Postage Stamps of Hungary

by Tony Clayton

Issues of 1928

1927 issues <<-- : -->> 1929 issues

Main Index

New Currency Definitives - Redrawn Types

From January 1st the 1926 issues were issued with a new watermark often referred to as the 'cross on pyramid' type. In addition the low values up to 8 filler were redrawn, as were some of the higher filler values. The design of the 10, 16 and 20 filler was unchanged, while the 25 filler and the three pengo values did not appear with the new watermark.

Low values

These are Perf 15. The 2f and 8f are also known less commonly Perf 14.


1 filler black
SG 490


2 filler light blue
SG 491


3 filler orange
SG 492


4 filler bright violet
SG 493


6 filler blue-green
SG 494


8 filler bright crimson
SG 495

In the image below the original numerals are on the left and the redrawn versions are to their right.


Intermediate values

The 16f and 20f were reissued with the new watermark but the design unchanged. The 16f was now in reddish violet with both perf 14 and 15, while the 20f was now in vermilion rather than carmine and in perf 15 only. The 10f blue followed in 1929.

Higher values

The redesign not only changed the frame and colours, but introduced two boats on the river. Two further values were added in 1929.


32 filler purple
SG 503


40 filler blue
SG 504


46 filler sage-green
SG 505

For the two further values see the page on 1929 issues

St.Stephen, August 1st

St.Stephen was the first King of Hungary, and died on August 15th, 1038.


8 filler green
SG 507


16 filler scarlet
SG 508


32 filler ultramarine
SG 509

See 1929 for the same set in different colours.

1927 issues <<-- : -->> 1929 issues

Main Hungarian Stamps Index
Regency Index

Hungarian Regency - 1928 issues.
Copyright reserved by the author, Tony Clayton
v2 7th January 2021
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