National Republic <<-- : -->> 1921 issues
This issue was printed with the watermark both upright (A) and sideways (B), and was issued on March 11th.
40 filler + 1 korona lake |
60 filler + 2 korona brown |
1 + 5 korona blue |
Three values were printed in new colours, and a new value of the Parliament type were issued on April 15th.
20 filler blue-green |
40 filler carmine |
60 filler indigo and brown |
1 korona blue and indigo |
As the National Assembly had declared that Hungary was still a Kingdom, the inscription reverted to the old Royal form when new issues were made on the 20th May.
5 filler yellow-brown |
10 filler purple |
40 filler carmine |
50 filler yellow-green |
60 filler black |
Issued on November 7th.
3 korona on 10k magenta and chocolate |
8 korona on 10k magenta and chocolate |
12 korona on 10k magenta and chocolate |
National Republic <<-- : -->> 1921 issues
Main Hungarian Stamps Index
Regency Index
Hungarian Regency - 1920 issues
Copyright reserved by the author, Tony Clayton
v3 12th March 2021